ABGW - Amazing, Brilliant, Gorgeous, Wonderful

Laughter as Medicine: Healing Trauma with Giggles

Cheryl Paris Season 1 Episode 11

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Uncover the joyous echoes of healing in "The Laughter Prescription: Healing Hearts with Humour," the latest episode of ABGW - Amazing, Brilliant, Gorgeous, Wonderful. Join Cheryl as she welcomes you into a sanctuary of solace and introduces the enchanting story of Emma, the laughter queen whose sunny spirit melts away workplace woes and ignites a wildfire of glee.

This heartwarming tale is the backdrop for a profound exploration of laughter's therapeutic prowess. Discover how chuckles and guffaws are not mere reactions to humour but potent catalysts for psychological and physical restoration. From the science of endorphins to the strengthening of emotional resilience, we unwrap the transformative impact of laughter on trauma recovery.

Emma's laughter lunches aren't just a lunchtime revolution but a testament to mirth's collective power. As her joyous influence spreads, it transforms her community, turning strangers into friends and friends into family. Her story reminds us of the bonds forged and the barriers broken by shared laughter.

Dive into an episode that's as enlightening as uplifting, where we learn that children's frequent laughter isn't just child's play—it's a lesson in living life to the fullest. Reflect on your laughter-filled memories and consider how humour can elevate your mental state, enhance cognitive function, and improve relationships.

As we close, let the poignant wisdom of Patch Adams inspire you to embrace laughter as a lifeline in dark times. Whether watching a comedy or sharing a joke, make laughter a conscious part of your healing journey. Share this episode with those who could use a dose of delight, and join us in cultivating a narrative of joy and resilience.

Support for this episode comes from Her Guru Coaching and Hypnotherapy, exploring the potential within. Discover more at herguru.co.uk.

Until our next episode, may your laughter be loud, your smiles wide, and your spirit unshakably joyous. Goodbye for now, and remember: in the symphony of life, let laughter be your most cherished melody.

📋 Episode Chapters

(00:00) ABGW explores the transformative power of Laughter in overcoming trauma stress.
(01:29) This Episode explores the healing power of Laughter in trauma recovery.
(08:54) Laughter strengthens, I believe, our emotional resilience
(10:23) Emma's Laughter became a symbol of strength and positivity in her community
(13:10) I encourage you to reflect on a moment when Laughter brought you relief or connection
(14:34) Episode in our journey of exploring traumatic recovery and resilience

🗣️ Quotes from Cheryl

"Laughter is often seen as just a boring response to humour. But it's not. It's such a powerful, powerful tool in our journey towards trauma recovery."

"Children remember something that we don't. That laughter in our lives brings us more joy, happiness, and feel-good stuff, which is more empowering."

"Laughter has the hidden power to strengthen your mind and soothe your body. So don't underestimate the magic of laughter, for it can heal, unite, and bring joy to all."

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Trauma Recovery Redefined: From Struggle to Strength.
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ABGW explores the transformative power of laughter in overcoming trauma stress

Cheryl: If I could show you how laughter can act as a transformational tool in your journey of trauma recovery, you know, offering both psychological and physical healing, would you be interested? Hello and welcome to ABGW. Amazing, brilliant, gorgeous, wonderful. I'm Cheryl, your host on this delightful journey towards healing and self-discovery. And guess what? You are in a safe space because we're exploring less travelled paths in trauma recovery, bringing light to the shade and joy in our journeys. Each Episode here is about the compassion, understanding, and collective wisdom of those who walk alongside us. Whether you're taking your first steps towards healing or you're furthering your journey, ABGW is here to uplift, inspire, and guide you. And today, we're delving into a light-hearted and profoundly healing topic: the transformational power of laughter in overcoming trauma stress. So whether you're new here or you're interested in uncovering the laughter that lives within all of us, let's see where we can take it.

This Episode explores the healing power of laughter in trauma recovery.

But first, I would like you to meet a very special lady who brought so much laughter to me when I first met her. Her name is Eva. This Episode of ABGW is brought to.

Cheryl: You by her guru coaching and hypnotherapy. Exploring the potential within. Her guru provides both physical and mental fitness coaching and hypnotherapy services. You can find out more details by visiting Herguru UK.

Cheryl: Emma was a conscientious executive, but her resting, sad face made everyone assume that she was unhappy all the time. But little did they know Emma had a secret weapon. In fact, this dynamic power had always been getting her into trouble. In team meetings at work, Emma encountered all sorts of insignificant challenges. Most days, many were unnecessary dramas that would vex most people. But this sunny but frosty morning, Emma noticed Daisy, a new recruit. Daisy had a gloomy expression, and during the tea break, Emma shared some funny jokes and silly stories with Daisy, creating an atmosphere filled with laughter and joy. Slowly but surely, Daisy's sad face began melting away, replaced by a bright smile.
The two instantly became friends, bonding through their shared laughter and shared love for laughter. As word of Emma's laughter therapy spread like a wildfire, more and more people sought her guidance. In fact, Emma started organizing laughter lunches, where people would come together to share jokes, funny experiences, and laughter that would echo through the offices. Some people would stop and point Emma out, and she began to be known as the laughter queen as her positive energy radiated through the community. Neighbours would greet each other with hearty chuckles, and even the grumpiest of town folk couldn't help but crack a smile in Emma's presence. What an amazing person. I hope you have someone like Emma in your life right now. So when I met Emma, I realized how much this was so close to my knowledge. We're exploring the healing power of laughter in trauma recovery. Whether you're just beginning this journey or just seeking new methods to help you cope, this Episode is definitely for you. Because laughter is often seen as just a boring response to humour. But it's not. It's such a powerful, powerful tool in our journey towards trauma recovery, and it's such a beacon to us. And I just get really excited about talking about these moments of joy that can be such a tool for healing.

Cheryl: So let's dive right in and see.

Cheryl: Just how laughter can help us explore what's going on, on the inside.

Cheryl: The magic of mirth. It's true what they say. Laughter is often dubbed the best medicine. And for me, there's more truth in that than we sometimes realize. I remember Mark Twain often noted how brilliant laughter was in his writings. And I remember one particular quote that goes, the human race has only really one effective weapon, and that's laughter. This statement captures the essence of laughter as one of the most beautiful and powerful tools we have for emotional healing. Because when we laugh, our bodies release.

Cheryl: Those really cool endorphins, you know, those feel-good chemicals that elevate our mood.

Cheryl: And ease pain and having to reduce stress? Yes, that's what I'm talking about. It's such a natural remedy, the natural remedy of laughter.

Cheryl: and the thing is, it's available.

Cheryl: To us anytime and anywhere. Now, did you know that children, on average, laugh about 300 times a day, while we adults are really boring and only do it between about 15 and

Cheryl: 30 times a day? What changes as we get older? I just don't understand that. But what I do know is that children remember something that we don't. That laughter in our lives brings us more joy and happiness and makes us feel good, and so, therefore, it is more empowering. So, let's think about how laughter impacts our mental state.

Cheryl: I want you to picture a.

Cheryl: Time when you were surrounded by friends and family, sharing stories and erupting in laughter. Because to me, this kind of interaction doesn't just bring joy in that moment. It fosters a really cool, positive mental outlook. On the other hand, being constantly around.

Cheryl: Negativity can affect your perspective and mood, too.

Cheryl: So here's a thought to ponder. Laughter has been found to improve memory and cognitive function. That's right. For all you geeks, it improves it all.

Cheryl: So it's not just about feeling good.

Cheryl: It's about keeping our brains healthy and active. So, reflect on this. When did you last share a hearty laugh with someone? Think about it.

Cheryl: Amazing, brilliant, gorgeous, wonderful. Helping women just like you who are unhappy, perhaps even with your supposedly quote unquote good life.

Cheryl: This is a mum-and-daughter duo. Ah.

Cheryl: We are not pulling any punches as we explore trauma recovery and ideas for building resilience. So you work smarter and definitely not harder to create a transformational life, a life you love more often than not.

Laughter strengthens, I believe, our emotional resilience.

Cheryl: The inner strength of smiles. Now, let's delve into how laughter strengthens us from within. So beyond that, just brightening our day, laughter strengthens, I believe, our emotional resilience. And it's almost, to me, a bit like physical therapy.

Cheryl: When you've hurt yourself, you go to the doctor, and they tell you you need to see a physiotherapist, and you do all those exercises.

Cheryl: To me, laughter is almost like an.

Cheryl: Internal therapy positively stimulates our psyche.

Cheryl: Leading us to a more practical and optimistic perspective. And remember those endorphins being released? Yes. They're our body's natural way of healing.

Cheryl: And coping with stress.

Cheryl: How do I know?

Cheryl: Because I've had that experience myself.

Cheryl: And it reminds me,

Cheryl: A bit like this woman I once met who found solace in watching classic comedies. I'm talking about things like only fools And horses, which even I am very serious about.

Cheryl: Cheryl found it extremely funny.

Cheryl: And the thing is, she told me that laughter was her secret weapon in battling her anxieties.

Cheryl: And to me, it's amazing how something.

Cheryl: As simple as laughter can be so, so powerful.

Emma's laughter became a symbol of strength and positivity in her community.

So, speaking of power, let's talk about how laughter can help us in our relationships.

Cheryl: The relationship rich laughter.

Cheryl: so laughter isn't just personal; it's deeply relational. Sharing a laugh with people that you care about creates a bond like no other. And the thing is, even with people.

Cheryl: That you don't even know or haven't met before; it's like an unspoken language that can phase real empathy, understanding, and, of course, love.

Cheryl: This shared laughter can turn acquaintances into friends and, then, friends into family.

Cheryl: One day, the local newspaper heard about Emma's laughter crusade and decided to honour her with a special award. The whole town gathered to celebrate Emma's achievement, and she stood on stage, beaming with pride, thanking everyone for embracing the power of laughter and spreading this beautiful token of happiness wherever they went. From that day forward, Emma's laughter became a symbol of strength and positivity. People learned that even during the toughest of times, a good belly laugh could lift their spirits and make their troubles seem just that little bit smaller. And they had Emma to thank for reminding them of that hidden power, that hidden power of laughter. So remember, laughter has the hidden power to strengthen your mind and soothe your body. So don't underestimate the magic of laughter, for it can heal, unite, and bring joy to all. I hope you enjoyed Emma's story because, for now, incorporating laughter into our recovery process can be such a step towards embracing joy, embracing joy in everyday moments. And just like you know, who made a conscious effort to find those small moments of laughter every day, I invite you to remember it's about finding joy amidst all the challenges in life because, ultimately, life is beautiful. Humour is such a beautiful way of coping in dire circumstances.

I encourage you to reflect on a moment when laughter brought you relief or connection.

Before we say goodbye today, let's remember a poignant scene from Patch Adams. Do you remember Robin Williams? The late Robin Williams portrays Dr Adams, who uses humour to reach a patient in a way that medicine alone couldn't. And for me, this moment beautifully illustrates.

Cheryl: How laughter can be such a bridge.

Cheryl: A bridge filling those gaps and healing those unseen wounds. So. That's right. I encourage you to reflect on a moment when laughter brought you relief or connection. And not only that, I would like you to embrace those moments and seek them out in your daily life. Yes, seek them out like you're a heat-seeking missile. Seek out laughter in your life. Watch a comedy, share a joke. Remember, even in the darkest times, laughter can be your lifeline. So, let's bring more laughter and healing into our lives and build a life brimming and overflowing with joy.

Cheryl: Thank you for joining us on this Episode in our journey of exploring traumatic recovery and resilience.

Cheryl: Episode in our journey of exploring traumatic recovery and resilience. I hope this is helping you create a life you love more often than not. And this Episode really resonated with you. And if it did, please share this inspiration with your friends, and remember to stay tuned for more empowering content from ABGW. That's right. Amazing. Brilliant. Gorgeous. Wonderful. Because your resilience is not just a trait. It's a powerful force that helps shape your life. So, as we part ways, may your force go with you, guiding and strengthening you every step of the way. Bye for now.

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